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미래가 험난한 아이들

옥상별빛 2021. 3. 19. 18:35

중국이 신장 위구르 지역에서 인권을 어떻게 탄압하는지는 지금까지 외신에 많이 알려졌습니다.


3월 18일 바이든 행정부 출범 후 미국 알래스카에서 처음 머리를 맞댄 미국과 중국의 고위 관리들이 상견례 자리에서부터 삐그덕했습니다.


토니 블링컨 미 국무장관과 제이크 설리번 백악관 국가안보보좌관, 양제츠(楊潔篪) 중국 공산당 외교 담당 정치국원과 왕이(王毅) 중국 외교 담당 국무위원 겸 외교부장은 앵커리지에서 ‘2+2 회담’을 개최했는데 양국 대표단은 통상 덕담을 건네는 모두 발언 관행과 달리 무역과 인권, 안보 이슈 등 주제를 놓고 상대를 향해 거친 말을 쏟아 놓았습니다. 


미국 블링컨 장관은 “미국은 신장 위구르 지역, 홍콩과 대만을 거론하며 중국의 행동에 깊은 우려를 논의할 것”이라고 포문을 열자 중국의 양제츠 정치국원은 미국의 인권은 최저 수준” “미국에서 흑인이 학살당하고 있다” 등 원색적 표현까지 동원해 바이든 행정부는 신장 등의 인권 문제를 비판할 자격이 없다고 말했습니다.


앞으로 험남한 회담이 예견되는 가운데 미국 cnn이 보도한 중국의 인권 탄압 실태를 소개합니다.


사진 속의 아이들은 영문도 모르는 채 부모님과 떨어져 고아원에서 길러질 것인데 앞으로 험난한 운명이 기다리고 있습니다.




인권단체 국제사면위원회(IMIS)에 따르면 중국은 어린 아이들을 국가 고아원으로 데려가 위구르 가족을 강제로 격리시켰다.
새 보고서에서, 앰네스티는 중국에 그들의 가족의 동의 없이 고아원에 수용되어 있는 모든 위구르 아이들을 석방할 것을 요구했다.
그 자선단체는 중국에 있는 친척들에게 아이를 맡긴 부모들에게 그들이 국외로 탈출하도록 강요받았을 때 그들에게 말했다.

China has forcibly separated Uighur families by taking young children into state orphanages, according to human rights group Amnesty International. 

In a new report, Amnesty has called on China to release all Uighur children being held in orphanages without the consent of their families.

The charity spoke to parents who left children with relatives in China when they were forced to flee the country.



인권단체들은 중국이 100만 명 이상의 위구르인들을 구금했다고 말한다.
중국 정부는 또한 위구르족과 강제 노동, 강제 살균, 성적 학대, 강간을 포함한 다른 이슬람 소수민족에 대한 광범위한 인권 유린 의혹에 직면했다.
정부는 중국 북서부 신장 지역의 수용소에 위구르인들을 억류하고 있는 것읋 부인하고 있다. 이 캠프는 테러와의 전쟁을 위해 "재교육" 시설을 사용하고 있다고 한다.
중국인에 의해 신장 접근이 크게 제한되기 때문에 앰네스티는 2017년 위구르족 탄압이 심해지기 전에 신장을 탈출할 수 있었던 위구르족과 통화했다.

Rights groups say China has detained more than a million Uighurs.

The Chinese government has also faced allegations of a wide range of human rights abuses against the Uighur people and other Muslim minorities, including forced labour, forced sterilisation, sexual abuse and rape.

The government denies it is holding Uighurs in detention camps in the Xinjiang region in north-western China. It says the camps are "re-education" facilities being used to combat terrorism.

Because access to Xinjiang is heavily restricted by the Chinese, Amnesty spoke to Uighurs who were able to flee Xinjiang before the repression of the Uighur people intensified in 2017.



미흐리반 카더와 아블리킴 멤티닌은 2016년 경찰의 괴롭힘과 여권 포기 압력을 받고 신장에서 이탈리아로 도주했다고 앰네스티는 밝혔다. 이들은 4명의 자녀를 조부모님 임시보호소에 맡겼으나 할머니가 경찰의 심문을 받는 동안 구치소로 끌려갔다고 자선단체는 밝혔다.
미리반은 사면위원회에 출석해 "부모에게 일어난 일 이후 다른 친척들은 내 아이들을 돌볼 엄두를 내지 못했다"고 말했다. "그들은 그들 역시 수용소로 보내질 것을 두려워했다."
"Our other relatives didn't dare to look after my children after what had happened to my parents," Mihriban told Amnesty. 

Mihriban Kader and Ablikim Memtinin fled from Xinjiang to Italy in 2016 after being harassed by police and pressured to give up their passports, Amnesty said.

They left four children in the temporary care of grandparents, but the grandmother was taken to a detention camp while the grandfather was interrogated by police, the charity said.



앰네스티는 "2019년 11월 미흐리반과 아블리킴이 이탈리아 정부로부터 자녀들을 데려오라는 허락을 받았지만, 아이들은 도중에 중국 공안에 붙잡혀 국영 고아원으로 보내졌다"고 밝혔다.
"이제 제 아이들은 중국 정부의 손에 맡겨져 있고 저는 제가 살아 있는 동안 그들을 다시 만날 수 있을지 확신할 수 없습니다,"라고 미리반은 말했다.

엠네스티 보고서는 중국이 유엔 인권 전문가, 독립 연구자, 언론인, 부모 동의 없이 억류된 모든 자녀들이 가정에 석방될 수 있도록 신장에 완전하고 무제한적인 접근을 제공할 것을 요구하고 있다.

In November 2019, Mihriban and Ablikim received a permit from the Italian government to bring their children to join them, but the children were seized by Chinese police on the way and sent to a state-run orphanage, Amnesty said.

"Now my children are in the hands of the Chinese government and I am not sure I will be able to meet them again in my lifetime," Mihriban said.

Amnesty's report calls on China to provide full and unrestricted access to Xinjiang for UN human rights experts, independent researchers and journalists, and for all children held without their parents consent to be released to family.


알칸 아카드 국제사면위원회 중국연구위원은 "중국의 무자비한 신장 집단구금 운동은 이산가족을 불가능한 상황으로 몰아넣었다"며 "아이들은 떠날 수 없지만 부모가 그들을 돌보기 위해 귀국하려 할 경우 박해와 임의구금을 받게 된다"고 말했다.

중국 정부는 신장에 거대하고 비밀스러운 수용소 네트워크를 만들었고 100만 명 이상의 위구르인들과 다른 이슬람 소수 집단 사람들을 억류한 것으로 추정된다.

"China's ruthless mass detention campaign in Xinjiang has put separated families in an impossible situation: children are not allowed to leave, but their parents face persecution and arbitrary detention if they attempt to return home to care for them," said Alkan Akad, Amnesty International's China researcher.

The Chinese state has created a vast and secretive network of camps in Xinjiang and is estimated to have detained more than a million Uighurs and people from other Muslim minority groups.


최근 몇 년간 위구르 여성에 대한 강제 살균에서부터 수용소 내부의 고문과 조직적인 강간까지 끔찍한 인권 유린 사례가 보고되고 있다.
중국은 인권 유린 사건이 발생하고 있다고 부인하고 있으며, 전직 수용소 수용자들을 망명자 및 배우로 불렀다. 

중국은 또 목소리를 높인 증인들을 협박하고 비방하는 한편, 신장에 있는 증인들의 친인척을 지렛대로 삼은 혐의도 받고 있다.
미국, 캐나다, 네덜란드는 중국이 위구르족을 상대로 대량학살을 저지르고 있다고 선언했다. 비슷한 법안이 영국 의회에서 부결되었다.

Reports have emerged in recent years of appalling human rights abuses, from forced sterilisation of Uighur women to torture and systematic rape inside camps.

China denies there are any human rights abuses taking place, and has called former camp detainees in exile liars and actors. China is also accused of intimidating and smearing witnesses who have spoken up, and of using witnesses's relatives in Xinjiang as leverage against them.

The US, Canada, and the Netherlands have declared that China is committing a genocide against the Uighur people. A similar bill was rejected by the UK parliament.



* 기사 내용 및 사진 출처: cnn