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바이든이 승리한 5가지 이유

옥상별빛 2020. 11. 8. 08:33

Five reasons Biden (finally) won


After nearly 50 years in public office, and a lifetime of presidential ambitions, Joe Biden has captured the White House.

These are the five reasons he finally won the presidency.

거의 50 년 동안 공직에서 일하고 평생 대통령 야심을 품은 Joe Biden은 백악관을 점령했습니다.

이것이 그가 마침내 대통령직에 오른 다섯 가지 이유입니다.


1. Covid, Covid, Covid

Perhaps the biggest reason Biden won the presidency was something entirely out of his control.

The pandemic and the subsequent economic decline knocked Trump off his preferred campaign message of growth and prosperity. It also highlighted concerns that many Americans had about his presidency, over its occasional lack of focus, penchant for questioning science, haphazard handling of policies large and small, and prioritisation of the partisan.

1. Covid, Covid, Covid

아마도 Biden이 대통령이 된 가장 큰 이유는 그의 통제를 완전히 벗어 났기 때문일 것입니다.

대유행과 그에 따른 경제 쇠퇴는 트럼프가 선호하는 성장과 번영의 캠페인 메시지를 떨어 뜨렸습니다. 그것은 또한 많은 미국인들이 그의 대통령직에 대한 우려, 때때로 집중력 부족, 과학에 의문을 제기하는 경향, 크고 작은 정책의 우연한 처리, 당파의 우선 순위에 대한 우려를 강조했습니다.



2. Low-key campaign

Over the course of his political career, Biden established a well-earned reputation for talking himself into trouble.

In his third try for the Oval Office, Biden still had his share of verbal stumbles, but they were sufficiently infrequent that they never became more than a short-term issue.

2. 절제된 캠페인

바이든은 정치 경력을 쌓는 과정에서 자신을 곤경에 빠뜨린 것으로 잘 알려진 명성을 얻었습니다. 세번째 대통령 집무실 도전에서 바이든은 여전히 ​​말 실수를 하고 있었지만 단기 문제 이상이 되지는 않을 정도로 자주 하지는 않았습니다.



3. Anyone but Trump

Biden bet his political fortunes on the contention that Trump was too polarising and too inflammatory, and what the American people wanted was calmer, steadier leadership.

Democrats succeeded in making this election a referendum on Trump, not a binary choice between the two candidates.

3. 트럼프 이외의 사람

바이든은 트럼프 대통령이 너무 양극화되고 너무 선동적이라는 주장과 미국 국민이 원하는 것은 더 차분하고 안정된 리더십이라는 주장에 정치적 운명을 걸었습니다.
민주당은 이번 선거를 두 후보 간의 선택이 아닌 트럼프에 대한 국민투표로 만드는 데 성공했습니다.



4. Stay in the centre

During the campaign to be the Democratic candidate, Biden's competition came from his left.

Despite this pressure from his liberal flank, Biden stuck with a centrist strategy, refusing to back universal government-run healthcare, free college education, or a wealth tax. This allowed him maximise his appeal to moderates and disaffected Republicans during the general election campaign.

4. 중심에 머무르다

민주당 후보가 되기 위한 선거운동 기간 동안 바이든의 경쟁은 그의 왼쪽에서 나왔습니다.
바이든은 이런 진보적인 측면의 압력에도 불구하고 보편적인 정부 운영 의료, 무료 대학 교육, 또는 부유세 지원을 거부하며 중도적 전략을 고수했습니다. 이것은 그가 총선거 운동 기간 동안 온건파들과 불만을 품은 공화당원들에게 그의 호소를 극대화할 수 있게 했습니다. 



5. More money, fewer problems

From April onwards, the Biden campaign transformed itself into a fundraising juggernaut, and - in part because of profligacy on the part of the Trump campaign - ended up in a much stronger financial position than his opponent. 

At the beginning of October, the Biden campaign had $144m more cash on hand than the Trump operation, allowing it to bury the Republicans in a torrent of television advertising in almost every key battleground state.

5. 더 많은 돈, 적은 문제

4월부터는 바이든 선거캠프가 자금조달의 거물로 변모했고, 부분적으로 트럼프 선거캠프의 방탕함 때문에 결국 상대 후보보다 훨씬 더 강력한 재정 지위에 놓이게 되었습니다. 
10월 초 바이든 선거캠프는 트럼프 작전보다 현금이 1억4400만 달러 더 많아 거의 모든 주요 전장 주에서 공화당을 텔레비전 광고에 파묻을 수 있었습니다.




출처: Anthony Zurcher(BBC North America reporter)