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트럼프가 구세계 질서를 뒤흔들 준비를 하는가?

옥상별빛 2024. 11. 7. 09:07

In the hours after Donald Trump secured another term in the White House, a familiar exercise was unfolding in foreign capitals. Dusting off their proverbial Trump playbooks, leaders from Paris to Jerusalem to Riyadh and beyond began posting congratulatory messages online and pressing their ambassadors in Washington to find a way — any way — to get in contact with the incoming president directly.

도널드 트럼프가 백악관에서 또 다른 임기를 확보한 후 몇 시간 만에 외국 수도에서 익숙한 일이 벌어졌습니다. 파리에서 예루살렘, 리야드, 그 너머까지, 트럼프의 속담을 털어낸 지도자들은 온라인에 축하 메시지를 게시하고 워싱턴에 있는 대사들에게 어떻게든 차기 대통령과 직접 연락할 방법을 찾으라고 압력을 가했습니다.



The scramble did not go unnoticed among Trump’s bleary-eyed aides in Florida, who kept close track of who was reaching out — and in what order.

As the world digests the reality of another Trump presidency, the central characteristics of his approach to the world are coming into sharper focus almost immediately. Transactional, personality-based and erratic, the Trump doctrine made for a chaotic four years that left both foreign leaders and seasoned American national security aides exhausted and jittery.

트럼프의 플로리다 주재 눈먼 보좌관들은 누가 어떤 순서로 연락하는지 면밀히 추적하면서 이러한 난항을 눈치채지 못했습니다.
세계가 트럼프의 또 다른 대통령 임기의 현실을 소화하면서, 세계에 대한 그의 접근 방식의 핵심 특징이 거의 즉시 더욱 선명하게 드러났습니다. 거래적이고, 성격 중심적이며, 불규칙한 트럼프 독트린은 혼란스러운 4년을 만들어냈고, 외국 지도자들과 노련한 미국 국가 안보 보좌관 모두를 지치고 불안하게 만들었습니다.



Nothing in Trump’s campaign for president suggests his approach is likely to change. Unlike those years, however, the world is now “on fire,” as Trump likes to say, and he’s promised to extinguish the flames. He has vowed to end Russia’s war in Ukraine in 24 hours and bring peace to the Middle East, all while constraining American foes in North Korea and Iran.

트럼프의 대선 캠페인에서 그의 접근 방식이 바뀔 가능성이 있다는 암시는 없습니다. 그러나 그 해와 달리 트럼프가 말하듯이 세상은 이제 "불타고 있습니다." 그는 불길을 끄겠다고 약속했습니다. 그는 24시간 안에 우크라이나에서 러시아의 전쟁을 끝내고 중동에 평화를 가져오겠다고 맹세했으며, 북한과 이란의 미국의 적들을 제약했습니다.



That’s in addition to slapping broad new tariffs on China, reassessing stalwart American defense alliances like NATO and finding countries willing to take the migrants he’s promised to deport en masse.

How he will accomplish any of those goals is uncertain. He did not delve into details of his plans as a candidate, much less confer with American allies about how to approach the problems collectively.

중국에 광범위한 새로운 관세를 부과하고, NATO와 같은 미국의 든든한 방위 동맹을 재평가하고, 그가 대량 추방하겠다고 약속한 이주민을 받아들일 의향이 있는 국가를 찾는 것 외에도 말입니다.
그가 어떻게 그 목표를 달성할지는 불확실합니다. 그는 후보자로서 자신의 계획에 대한 세부 사항을 파헤치지 않았고, 더군다나 미국 동맹국과 집단적으로 문제에 접근하는 방법에 대해 협의하지 않았습니다.


What he did make clear was his distrust of American alliances that have been the backbone of the Western world order, the same one President Joe Biden sought to restore when he took over the presidency from Trump four years ago, declaring “America is back.”

Instead of helping the US achieve its goals, Trump has described the allies as parasitic burdens, no more so than when he encouraged Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to NATO countries who don’t meet their defense spending targets.

그가 분명히 한 것은 서방 세계 질서의 중추였던 미국의 동맹에 대한 불신이었습니다. 조 바이든 대통령이 4년 전 트럼프로부터 대통령직을 넘겨받으면서 "미국이 돌아왔다"고 선언하면서 회복하려고 했던 것과 같은 동맹입니다. 트럼프는 미국이 목표를 달성하도록 돕는 대신 동맹을 기생적인 부담으로 묘사했습니다. 국방비 지출 목표를 달성하지 못하는 NATO 국가에 "원하는 것은 무엇이든" 하라고 러시아를 독려했을 때보다 더 그렇습니다.



That makes his upcoming return to the global stage one of the most unpredictable factors in an already perilous world, and has foreign leaders both holding their breath while also seeking an in.

이로 인해 그의 세계 무대 복귀는 이미 위험한 세상에서 가장 예측할 수 없는 요소 중 하나가 되었고, 외국 지도자들은 숨을 참고 접근을 모색하고 있습니다.



Even before Trump’s victory was assured, leaders were writing their congratulations on X. Among the first were Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Trump friend who later spoke with the president-elect by phone, and French President Emmanuel Macron, whose relationship with Trump during his first term grew badly strained.

트럼프의 승리가 확실해지기 전에도 지도자들은 X에게 축하 편지를 썼습니다. 가장 먼저 나온 사람 중에는 트럼프의 친구이자 나중에 대통령 당선자와 전화 통화를 나눈 이스라엘 총리 베냐민 네타냐후와 첫 임기 동안 트럼프와의 관계가 심하게 긴장된 프랑스 대통령 에마뉘엘 마크롱이 있습니다.



The Élysée Palace, Macron’s official office, noted in describing their call that Macron was “among the very first heads of state” to reach Trump: “They had a very warm conversation, building on their strong preexisting relationship,” the palace said.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto leader who the CIA concluded had ordered the killing of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, also spoke with Trump on Wednesday to “reiterate the historic relationship” between their countries.

마크롱의 공식 사무실인 엘리제 궁은 전화 통화를 설명하면서 마크롱이 트럼프에게 연락한 "최초의 국가 원수" 중 한 명이라고 언급했습니다. 궁은 "두 사람은 매우 따뜻한 대화를 나누었고, 기존의 강력한 관계를 바탕으로 대화를 나누었습니다."라고 말했습니다.
CIA가 2018년에 반체제 언론인 자말 카쇼기를 살해하도록 명령했다고 결론 내린 사우디의 사실상의 지도자인 모하메드 빈 살만 왕세자도 수요일에 트럼프와 통화하여 두 나라 간의 "역사적 관계"를 재확인했습니다.



NATO’s new secretary general Mark Rutte, whose elevation to the job was helped along by the relationship he’d developed with Trump as Dutch prime minister, said he’d congratulated Trump on Tuesday evening. “His leadership will again be key to keeping our alliance strong,” he said, somewhat hopefully.

네덜란드 총리 시절 트럼프와 발전시킨 관계 덕분에 직책에 오른 NATO의 새 사무총장 마크 뤼터는 화요일 저녁에 트럼프를 축하했다고 말했습니다. 그는 다소 희망적으로 "그의 리더십은 다시 한번 우리 동맹을 강력하게 유지하는 데 핵심이 될 것입니다."라고 말했습니다.



As leaders were sending congratulatory messages to Trump, their aides are feverishly gaming out how to setup potential meetings with the president-elect in the coming months, multiple sources familiar with the early planning efforts explained. World leaders are open to all options, including making trips to New York or Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, sources said. Many of them are eyeing meetings before Trump’s January inauguration.

지도자들이 트럼프에게 축하 메시지를 보내는 동안, 그들의 보좌진은 앞으로 몇 달 동안 대통령 당선자와 잠재적인 회동을 어떻게 설정할지 열렬히 고민하고 있다고 초기 계획 노력에 대해 잘 아는 여러 소식통이 설명했습니다. 소식통에 따르면, 세계 지도자들은 뉴욕이나 플로리다에 있는 트럼프의 Mar-a-Lago 부지로의 여행을 포함한 모든 옵션에 열려 있습니다. 그들 중 많은 사람이 트럼프의 1월 취임식 전에 회동을 노리고 있습니다.



Still, even loose plans have not been sketched out for possible meetings. For now, those who have sent congratulatory messages to Trump are awaiting responses from him and his team as they also work to be in contact with people close to Trump, they said.

Foreign leaders are relying on their experience with Trump during his first presidency, when flattery and personal attention paid dividends, as they approach him following his win. One foreign diplomat said there is a better understanding of Trump compared to 2016, which is part of what led to the flood of congratulatory notes even before the race was officially called.

그래도 가능한 회동에 대한 느슨한 계획조차 구상되지 않았습니다. 지금으로서는 트럼프에게 축하 메시지를 보낸 사람들은 트럼프와 그의 팀으로부터 답장을 기다리고 있으며, 트럼프와 가까운 사람들과 연락을 취하려고 노력하고 있다고 그들은 말했습니다.
외국 지도자들은 트럼프가 당선된 후 그에게 접근하면서 아첨과 개인적인 관심이 이익을 가져다준 그의 첫 대통령 임기 동안의 트럼프와의 경험에 의존하고 있습니다. 한 외교관은 2016년에 비해 트럼프에 대한 이해가 더 높아졌다고 말했는데, 이것이 경선이 공식적으로 발표되기 전에도 축하 편지가 쏟아진 이유 중 하나라고 말했습니다.



The diplomat said in their view, leaders are following a model set by the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who headed directly to New York following Trump’s victory in 2016 for a meeting at Trump Tower, toting a set of gold-plated golf clubs as a congratulatory gift.

외교관은 그들의 견해로는 지도자들이 2016년 트럼프가 승리한 후 트럼프 타워에서 회동하기 위해 뉴욕으로 직행했던 고(故) 신조 아베 일본 총리가 세운 모델을 따르고 있다고 말했습니다. 그는 축하 선물로 금도금 골프채 세트를 들고 있었습니다.



*기사 출처 : cnn

*사진 출처 : 구글