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나라를 망신시킨 조주빈

옥상별빛 2020. 11. 26. 16:55

성범죄 주모자인 조주빈에 대한 뉴스가 영국 bbc의 한 페이지를 장식하여 나라를 망신시켰습니다.

제발 이 시간을 마지막으로 여성이 피해를 보지 않았으면 하는 바램입니다.




A South Korean court has sentenced the mastermind of one of the country's biggest online sex abuse rings to 40 years in jail.

한국 법원이 한국에서 가장 큰 온라인 성범죄 조직의 주모자에게 40년 징역형을 선고했다.



Cho Ju-bin was found guilty of running a group which blackmailed girls into sharing sexual videos that were then posted in pay-to-view chatrooms.
조주빈은 당시 유료 채팅방에 게시된 성관계 동영상을 공유하도록 여학생들을 협박하는 단체를 운영한 혐의로 유죄판결을 받았다.



At least 10,000 people used the chatrooms, with some paying up to $1,200 (£1,000) for access.

Some 74 people, including 16 underage girls, were exploited.

적어도 1만 명의 사람들이 이 채팅방을 이용했고, 일부는 접속료를 1,200 달러(1,000 파운드)까지 지불했다.
미성년자 여학생 16명을 포함해 74여 명이 악용됐다.



"The accused has widely distributed sexually abusive content that he created by luring and threatening many victims," the Seoul Central District Court said on Thursday, according to Yonhap news agency.
연합뉴스에 따르면 서울중앙지법은 "피고인이 많은 피해자를 유인하고 협박해 만든 음란물을 널리 유포했다"고 밝혔다.



It said Cho was found guilty of violating laws to protect children from sexual abuse and for running a criminal ring which produced and sold abusive videos in order to make a profit.
조씨는 아동학대로부터 아동보호법을 위반하고, 수익을 내기 위해 학대 영상을 제작·판매한 범죄 반지를 운영한 혐의 등으로 유죄가 인정된다고 밝혔다.



Cho's criminal syndicate sold the videos it acquired through blackmail to secretive chatrooms on the Telegram app.
조씨의 범죄 조직은 협박을 통해 확보한 동영상을 텔레그램 앱의 비밀 채팅방에 팔았다.



The case sparked a national outcry in South Korea.

In March, a police committee took the unusual step of naming Cho, a 25-year-old college graduate, after five million people signed petitions asking for his anonymity to be lifted.

이 사건은 한국에서 국민적 공분을 불러일으켰다.
지난 3월 경찰위원회는 대학 졸업자인 조모(25)씨를 익명 해제를 요구하는 청원서에 500만명이 서명하자 이례적으로 조씨를 지명하는 조치를 취했다.



"I apologise to those who were hurt by me," Cho had said that month as he was led away from a Seoul police station. "Thank you for putting a brake on the life of a devil that could not be stopped."
조씨는 그 달에 서울 경찰서에서 끌려나오면서 "나 때문에 상처받은 사람들에게 사과한다"고 말했다. "멈출 수 없는 악마의 삶에 제동을 걸어줘서 고맙다."



Police have said at least 124 suspects were arrested and 18 operators of chatrooms on Telegram and other social media, including Cho, were detained following investigations into similar sexual crimes since late last year, reported Reuters news agency.
경찰은 지난해 말부터 유사한 성범죄에 대한 수사로 최소 124명의 용의자가 체포됐으며 조씨를 포함한 텔레그램 등 소셜미디어의 채팅방 운영자 18명이 구속됐다고 로이터통신이 보도했다.



Five other defendants have received sentences ranging from seven to 15 years.
다른 5명의 피고인들은 7년에서 15년의 형을 받았다.



Tens of thousands of petitions, including from victims, had been handed to officials on this case urging them to hand down a hefty prison sentence. 

이 사건에 대해 피해자들로부터 받은 탄원서를 포함해 수만 건의 탄원서가 관계자들에게 전달되어 무거운 형량을 선고해 왔다.



South Korean courts have been accused of being far too lenient on digital sex criminals for far too long.

The 40-year punishment for ringleader Cho Ju-bin still falls short of the life sentence sought by prosecutors.

한국 법원은 디지털 성범죄자들에게 너무 오랫동안 너무 관대했다는 비난을 받아왔다.
주모자 조주빈에 대한 40년 징계는 여전히 검찰이 구형한 무기징역에도 미치지 못한다.



But one women's rights group described it as "the beginning of the end" of sexual exploitation of women on chat groups.

There are still concerns that the victims of this kind of sex crime are not getting the help they need, and the rest of the criminal syndicate received much lighter sentences.

그러나 한 여성인권단체는 이를 채팅 그룹에서 여성을 성적 착취하는 '종말의 시작'이라고 표현했다.
이런 종류의 성범죄의 피해자들이 필요한 도움을 받지 못하고 있고, 나머지 범죄조직들은 훨씬 가벼운 형량을 선고받았다는 우려가 여전히 남아 있다.



However, women in South Korea will see this as a start and a sign that their long fight is finally yielding results.

But the words I wrote when this case was made public still ring true.

The fury will not stop here.

하지만, 한국의 여성들은 이것을 시작이자 그들의 오랜 싸움이 마침내 결과를 낳는다는 신호로 볼 것이다.
그러나 이 사건이 세상에 알려졌을 때 쓴 글귀는 여전히 사실처럼 들린다.
분노는 여기서 그치지 않을 것이다.



* 기사 a및 사진 출처: bbc