114347 ir to go
65616 ser to be
49977 tener to have
48701 hacer to make / do
38931 estar to be
34487 decir to say / tell
33899 ver to see
31047 haber to have
30581 dar to give
30415 poder to be able to
30224 hablar to speak
28060 querer to want /like
26808 venir to come
25379 comer to eat
24696 saber to know
24338 poner to put
22824 salir to leave, go out
21138 leer to read
20219 dormir to sleep
19160 volver to return
15423 pedir to ask / ask for
14028 vivir to live
13000 traer to bring
12214 llevar to take / carry / wear
11916 jugar to play
11894 llegar to arrive
11788 oir to hear
10546 tomar to take
10282 empezar to begin/start
10071 conocer to know
9987 seguir to follow
9751 escribir to write
9360 comprar to buy
9336 sentir to feel
9289 pensar to think
9086 beber to drink
8919 abrir to open
8678 gustar to like
8395 quejar to complain
8304 caer to fall
8145 cerrar to close
7829 encontrar to find/encounter
7816 creer to think / believe
7728 perder to lose
7701 preferir to prefer
7617 quedar to meet /stay
7385 morir to die
7306 servir to serve
7019 buscar to look for
6979 trabajar to work
6949 estudiar to study
6843 sentar to sit/seat
6511 comenzar to start/begin
6505 conducir to drive
6448 reir to laugh
6386 sacar to take out
6261 aprender to learn
6183 limpiar to clean
6157 llamar to call /call oneself
6125 pagar to pay
6120 correr to run
6090 bailar to dance
6076 terminar to finish / end
6066 pasar to pass
6065 dejar to lend / borrow/ leave
6047 andar to walk
6029 entender to understand
5909 vestir to dress
5820 visitar to visit
5718 almorzar to have lunch
5711 llover to rain
5616 divertir to entertain/amuse
5593 conseguir to obtain
5575 repetir to repeat
5550 caminar to walk
5514 esperar to wait / hope
5461 cambiar to change
5454 elegir to choose
5380 tocar to touch/play an instrument
5375 mirar to watch, look at
5348 caber to fit
5348 deber to must
5251 recibir to receive
5202 acostar to go to bed
5127 levantar to raise
5126 mover to move
5081 cantar to sing
4969 ayudar to help
4943 contar to count/tell
4792 vender to sell
4789 hervir to boil
4774 ganar to win, earn
4761 viajar to travel
4748 escuchar to listen
4720 coger to pick up / take / catch
4701 necesitar to need
4690 despertar to wake/arouse
4662 recordar to remember
4638 desear to wish
4616 huir to escape
4587 decidir to decide
4476 lavar to wash
4475 subir to go / come up
4469 parecer to look like / seem
4467 practicar to practise
4453 nadar to swim
4408 despedir to say goodbye
4402 traducir to translate
4372 sonreir to smile
4354 mentir to lie
4347 herir to hurt
4341 usar to use
4296 casar to marry / get married
4245 sugerir to suggest
4218 desayunar to have breakfast
4215 ofrecer to offer
4199 romper to break
4119 hackear to hack
4085 devolver to return
4017 cubrir to cover
4009 oler to smell
4006 mantener to maintain
4001 mandar to order / tell sb to do sth
3973 construir to build/manufacture
3941 nacer to beborn
3939 comprender to understand
3888 permitir to allow
3871 olvidar to forget
3851 abanderar to register
3839 recomendar to recommend
3824 asistir to assist / attend
3824 costar to cost
3817 preparar to prepare
3817 enviar to send
3786 cocinar to cook
3738 compartir to share
3697 preguntar to ask
3672 cuidar to care for, look after
3670 resolver to resolve
3658 callar to stop talking / go quiet
3654 recoger to pick up
3583 mostrar to show
3573 helar to freeze
3533 rogar to beg
3528 crecer to grow
3525 henchir to fill/fillup
3505 habituar to get used to
3499 amar to love
3488 sonar to sound
3470 escoger to choose
3453 doler to hurt
3445 exigir to demand, require
3438 entrar to go in
3436 volar to fly
3426 explicar to explain
3418 destruir to destroy/wreck/demolish
3400 navegar to sail, surf (the internet)
3392 llorar to cry
3371 valer to be worth
3366 apagar to putout/extinguish
3358 probar to taste, try, try on
3351 halagar to flatter
3339 manejar to use, handle, manage
3334 cortar to cut
3329 obtener to get/win
3308 gozar to enjoy
3305 hartar to to get bored of / to gorge
3269 sufrir to suffer
3263 incluir to include
3256 habilitar to fit out, authorise
3230 aburrir to bore
3206 habitar to inhabit
3202 echar to throw
3199 regresar to go / come back
3190 corregir to correct
3187 prestar to lend
3186 barrer to sweep
3184 hacendar to grant lands
3176 secar to dry
3170 cruzar to cross
3164 hinchar to swell
3154 hostigar to bother, pester
3152 empacar to pack, bale
3151 hospedar to provide with accommodation
3142 cenar to have an evening meal
3138 defender to defend/stand up for
3133 entregar to hand over
3130 sumegir to immerse, submerge, dip
3125 producir to produce
3109 acabar to finish
3109 organizar to organize
3094 bajar to go down, get off (bus)
3076 soler to usually do something
3066 patinar to skate
3052 colgar to hang
3046 calentar to heat up/warm up
3036 hipnotizar to hipnotize
3033 peinar to comb
3012 tender to tend, hang out (washing)
2981 contestar to answer
2975 encender to light/inflame
2973 participar to participate
2970 hacinar to stack, pile up
2957 quitar to take sth off / remove
2949 heredar to inherit
2941 crear to create
2931 discutir to discuss, argue
2914 aceptar to accept
2895 descubrir to discover
2894 gastar to expend
2889 dirigir to manage
2880 abrazar to embrace
2851 yacer to lie
2841 parar to stop
2832 obedecer to obey
2826 disfrutar to enjoy
2818 negar to deny
2815 interesar to be interested in
2808 tratar to treat / try
2803 proteger to protect
2802 cumplir to carry out, fulfil
2796 abandonar to abandon, leave
2783 nevar to snow
2783 medir to measure
2779 cansar to tire
2777 sacudir to shake
2762 invertir to reverse/invert
2759 arrepentir to regret
2757 fijar to fix
2745 duchar to have a shower
2744 encantar to love something
2742 firmar to sign
2732 sofreir to saute, fry lightly
2727 besar to kiss
2721 contribuir to contribute
2719 mezclar to mix
2714 llenar to fill
2714 regar to water, irrigate
2713 bendecir to bless
2693 acordar to haceralgo
2692 utilizar to use
2683 reciclar to recycle, reuse
2673 ahorrar to save
2662 responder to answer
2642 pasear to walk
2636 poseer to own, possess, hold
2623 influir to influence
2622 malentender to misunderstand
2621 continuar to continue
2605 juntar to join
2595 vacar to become vacant
2590 montar to ride, set up
2585 torcer to twist
2580 intentar to try
2578 suponer to suppose
2557 graduar to adjust, graduate
2555 merendar to have a snack in the afternoon
2550 vencer to conquer, overcome
2549 partir to cut up, leave, depart
2533 descansar to rest
2528 atraer to attract
2521 establecer to establish
2519 invitar to invite
2518 verter to spill
2512 ocurrir to happen
2511 imprimir to print
2507 bucear to dive
2506 zafar to escape
2499 abanicar to fan (oneself)
2499 reconocer to recognise
2499 gritar to shout
2484 convencer to convince
2481 temer to fear / be afraid of
2469 satisfacer to satisfy/quench
2464 matar to kill
2458 advertir to warn
2454 abogar to defend someone
2452 insistir to insist
2452 apetecer to fancy doing
2452 faltar to need
2451 girar to turn
2440 preocupar to worry
2438 arreglar to repair, fix
2436 adelgazar to lose weight
2434 meter to put in
2429 saludar to say hello / greet
2424 fingir to pretend
2420 pelear to quarrel, argue, fight
2417 picar to bite
2414 tirar to throw, waste
2401 cagar to shit
2395 vaciar to empty / clear
2392 dedicar to dedicate
2388 mudar to move house
2386 sorprender to surprise
2386 abatir to overthrow, knock down
2386 unir to unit / join
2383 saltar to jump
2382 quemar to burn
2378 recomenzar to begin again
2367 odiar to hate
2365 actuar to act
2361 aparecer to appear/showup
2358 salvar to save
2357 agradecer to thank
2355 dibujar to draw
2352 guardar to keep
2345 impedir to prevent
2343 aprobar to approve
2338 fumar to smoke
2336 celebrar to celebrate
2329 recorrer to travel
2326 reunir to reunite
2325 quebrar to break
2320 reducir to reduce
2313 tardar to take time
2312 merecer to deserve
2311 realizar to carry out
2307 marchar to go /leave
2305 ejercer to practise, exercise, exert
2301 cuestionar to question
2299 competir to compete
2298 chocar to crash
2297 ordenar to tidy up, order
2291 marcar to mark
2287 averiguar to find out
2286 demostrar to demonstrate
2286 cancelar to cancel
2281 convertir to convert
2273 lanzar to throw/fling
2272 acercar to get near / approach
2269 pintar to paint
2268 afeitar to shave
2268 esconder to hide
2267 pegar to stick, hit, paste
2257 enfocar to focus
2250 abolir to abolish
2249 colegir to deduce
2248 abstener to abstain
2248 gemir to moan/groan
2246 alquilar to rent
2235 kilometrar to measure in kilometres
2233 apoyar to lean
2231 esquiar to ski
2229 amenazar to threaten
2228 planear to plan
2228 avisar to let somebody know
2224 abocar to head for something
2220 desaparecer to disappear
2218 cargar to load
2216 abarcar to cover, cope with
2215 abofetar to slap
2209 borrar to rub, delete
2208 atender to attend to
2207 abdicar to abdicate
2202 ocupar to take up /occupy
2202 guiar to guide
2184 proponer to propose
2183 abastecer to supply
2182 toser to cough
2180 aterrizar to land
2167 definir to define
2166 calificar to mark /grade
2164 describir to describe
2162 xerocopiar to photocopy
2162 depender to depend
2161 deletrear to spell
2160 oponer to oppose
2158 cabalgar to ride
2154 golpear to bang
2154 aprovechar to use, take advantage of
2149 alcanzar to reach
2146 beneficiar to benefit
2145 cepillar to brush
2144 gobernar to govern
2142 morder to bite/eat into
2142 abonar to fertilize, pay
2141 sembrar to sow
2139 transferir to transfer
2138 colocar to place
2138 cocer to boil
2137 juzgar to judge
2129 prohibir to forbid
2120 detener to arrest/stop/hold up/delay
2119 publicar to publish
2118 malgastar to waste
2117 madrugar to get up early
2115 enamorar to fall in love
2112 regalar to give a present
2111 imaginar to imagine
2109 mejorar to improve
2106 padecer to suffer
2105 fascinar to fascinate
2104 adquirir to aquire
2101 zampar to gobble down
2100 abominar to detest, hate something
2099 jurar to swear
2096 dudar to doubt
2091 perseguir to pursue
2085 maquillar to put make up on
2083 bautizar to baptise
2082 jubilar to retire
2082 rechazar to reject
2080 introducir to introduce
2076 bienquerer to like,be fond of
2074 imponer to impose
2072 bastar to be enough
2069 obligar to force
2064 confiar to confide
2064 temblar to tremble
2063 pertenecer to belong
2060 eliminar to eliminate
2058 confesar to confess
2055 percatar to notice, be aware of
2052 enfriar to cool
2052 grabar to record
2051 pelar to peel
2050 identificar to identify
2045 distinguir to distinguish
2044 abaratar to cheapen, cut, reduce
2043 molestar to bother
2042 atravesar to go through
2038 distribuir to distribute
2038 machacar to crush
2037 importar to matter, import
2036 fabricar to manufacture/build/make
2036 atar to tie
2036 observar to observe
2036 bloquear to block
2034 yuxtaponer to juxtapose
2034 atrever to dare
2033 decorar to decorate
2028 bostezar to yawn
2027 avanzar to advance
2023 revolver to stir
2021 comentar to comment
2020 nombrar to name
2019 fregar to wash
2019 fallar to fail
2018 relajar to relax
2018 ubicar to put in place
2017 abastar to supply
2013 precalentar to preheat, warm up
2012 permanecer to stay
2006 florecer to flower
1999 zumbar to buzz
1997 fichar to clock in
1997 zarpar to set sail
1995 maldecir to curse
1992 lamentar to regret
1990 alegrar to make happy or glad
1986 agregar to add
1986 carecer to lack
1986 existir to exist
1986 educar to educate, teach, bring up
1985 caracterizar to characterize
1984 fiar to trust
1983 recetar to prescribe
1980 embarcar to embark, board
1979 abjurar to renounce, abjure
1976 prometer to promise
1974 ablandar to soften
1972 patrullar to patrol
1971 denegar to refuse
1968 abarrotar to fill sth to overflowing
1968 indagar to investigate
1967 justificar to justify
1964 pescar to fish
1961 copiar to copy
1959 añadir to add
1954 equivocar to be wrong
1952 blocar to block
1952 abocetar to sketch
1949 opinar to think, opine
1948 liar to tieup/wrap/roll
1948 enojar to make angry
1946 ofender to offend
1946 becar to give a grant to
1945 concluir to conclude, finish
1943 luchar to fight
1942 aconsejar to advise
1941 doblar to fold
1940 finalizar to end
1938 facturar to check in
1937 combinar to combine
1937 significar to mean
1936 razonar to reason
1934 calmar to calm
1934 pender to hang from something
1932 declarar to declare
1930 vendar to bandage
1928 robar to rob
1926 reservar to book
1926 capturar to capture
1925 maltraer to maltreat
1925 abollar to dent
1925 narrar to tell / narrate
1924 charlar to chat
1923 favorecer to favour
1919 convenir to be suitable
1917 decrecer to decrease/decline
1916 presentar to introduce
1915 editar to edit
1914 comunicar to communicate
1913 manifestar to show
1913 lesionar to injure, damage
1913 idealizar to idealize
1912 ejercitar to excercise / train
1909 investigar to investigate
1905 componer to be made up of
1905 ocultar to hide
1902 felicitar to congratulate
1900 flotar to float
1898 durar to last
1898 emigrar to emigrate
1898 fastidiar to annoy
1896 tapar to cover
1895 criar to breed
1893 portar to carry, bear
1892 rezar to pray
1891 vagar to wander, drift, roam
1890 variar to vary
1886 edificar to build
1883 anunciar to advertise
1883 lograr to get / achieve
1883 reaccionar to react
1882 respetar to respect
1882 tejer to crochet, weave, knit, braid
1881 fatigar to tire/weary
1876 listar to list
1875 omitir to omit
1873 botar to bounce
1873 embellecer to make beautiful
1872 subrayar to underline
1871 envolver to wrapup/wind
1871 deponer to abandon, depose, overthrow
1870 enseñar to teach
1869 disminuir to reduce/decrease
1867 calcular to calculate
1866 aumentar to increase
1866 seducir to seduce
1865 castigar to punish
1864 indicar to show, point
1862 negociar to negotiate
1861 agarrar to grab
1861 ignorar to ignore
1858 emborrachar to get drunk
1856 funcionar to work, run
1855 deprimir to depress
1854 marear to get sick
1851 unificar to unite
1849 atacar to attack
1849 limitar to limit
1848 impresionar to impress
1848 operar to operate
1848 valpulear to give a beating
1846 efectuar to effect
1845 evitar to prevent
1844 pellizcar to pinch
1843 reciprocar to reciprocate
1842 predecir to predict
1840 sangrar to bleed
1839 legalizar to legalize
1838 balancear to balance
1837 comprobar to check
1837 granizar to hail
1836 acertar to get right
1836 interrumpir to interrupt
1835 recaer to relapse
1833 liquefacer to liquify
1833 coser to sew
1831 informar to inform
1830 electrificar to electrify
1830 abordar to board
1828 blanquecer to whiten
1828 contener to contain/restrain/hold back
1828 calar to stall a car / soak through
1828 elogiar to praise
1826 eclosionar to hatch, open
1826 ejecutar to execute
1826 dorar to brown
1823 guisar to cook
1823 apreciar to appreciate, appraise, esteem
1823 facilitar to facilitate
1816 validar to validate
1814 elevar to raise
1814 financiar to financiar
1813 reconstruir to rebuild/reconstruct
1812 hundir to sink
1812 degollar to to cut the throat of
1808 elaborar to produce, prepare
1808 vanagloriar to brag, boast
1807 reparar to repair
1805 deshacer to undo/unpack/destroy
1805 taladrar to drill
1805 valorar to value, assess, evaluate
1805 deformar to deform
1803 manchar to get dirty /stain
1802 arrancar to start up (engine)
1801 promover to promote, stimulate
1800 tachar to cross out
1799 seleccionar to select
1798 tropezar to stumble, trip, come up against
1798 malograr to waste, ruin, spoil
1795 votar to vote
1790 extender to stretch out
1790 suceder to happen
1789 vadear to ford, cross, wade across
1788 entretener to keep oneself ammused
1787 aparcar to park/shelf
1787 cazar to hunt
1787 planchar to iron
1787 revisar to check
1787 guarnecer to garnish, adorn
1786 tolerar to tolerate
1785 ahogar to suffocate
1784 separar to separate
1783 avergonzar to make somebody feel ashamed
1783 idear to think up
1782 tararear to go la la la
1779 vedar to ban
1778 reclamar to demand / claim
1773 vaporizar to vaporize
1772 imitar to imitate
1771 admitir to accept, admit
1769 generalizar to spread/generalize
1769 asustar to frighten /get scared
1768 consentir to allow/permit
1768 falsificar to forge
1767 iluminar to light up
1767 pesar to weigh
1765 incorporar to include
1765 resultar to turn out to be
1764 numerar to number
1763 tragar to swallow
1762 dividir to divide
1760 sonrer to smile
1760 varar to run aground
1760 salpicar to splash
1759 peligrar to be at risk
1758 distraer to amuse/entertain
1756 vacunar to vaccinate
1755 rebajar to reduce
1754 aborrecer to loathe
1750 entrenar to train
1750 uniformar to standardise
1749 mojar to get wet
1748 aplicar to apply
1748 completar to complete
1746 graznar to croak
1744 vacilar to hesitate
1744 malinterpretar to misinterpret
1743 sustituir to substitute
1743 generar to generate
1742 emplear to employ
1742 legislar to legislate
1741 desarrollar to develop
1740 perdonar to forgive
1740 garantizar to guarantee
1739 confundir to make a mistake
1737 consumir to consume
1737 tallar to carve, sculpt
1736 estornudar to sneeze
1735 enterar to find out / understand
1733 acampar to camp
1733 bisbisear to whisper
1732 valorizar to increase in value
1731 superar to overcome, get over
1729 valladar to fence
1728 analizar to analyze
1725 orientar to orientate
1724 conjugar to conjugate
1721 litigar to litigate
1720 escapar to escape
1719 amanecer to dawn
1718 prevenir to prevent
1718 examinar to examine
1718 cometer to commit
1717 inaugurar to inaugurate
1713 despegar to take off
1711 pelotear to kick a ball around
1711 maliciar to suspect
1709 derruir to demolish/knockdown
1709 abrigar to keep warm
1708 ascender to goup
1708 escalar to climb
1707 envidiar to envy
1706 convivir to live together
1705 apretar to press
1704 excluir to exclude
1704 surgir to arise
1703 inclinar to tilt / lean
1702 incurrir to incur
1698 aplaudir to applaud
1697 alojar to accommodate /put up
1696 recitar to recite
1694 rendir to surrender
1694 valsear to waltz
1692 asegurar to ensure
1690 cobrar to charge
1684 afectar to affect
1684 impulsar to drive, stimulate
1682 empujar to push
1680 encargar to ask somebody to do something
1679 controlar to control
1676 memorizar to memorize
1676 platicar to chat
1674 incendiar to set fire to
1673 manar to pour, be rich in
1672 formar to form
1671 acudir to come go attend
1671 bañar to have a bath/go for a swim
1668 rescatar to rescue
1667 emitir to broadcast
1666 contraer to contract/acquire/catch
1665 engordar to put on weight
1664 criticar to criticize / gossip
1660 abusar to abuse
1659 descargar to unload
1658 tablear to pleat
1657 gandulear to loaf around
1656 destacar to point out
1652 inventar to invent
1652 humillar to humiliate
1650 admirar to admire
1650 valsar to waltz
1649 encerrar to shut up/shut in
1649 salivar to salivate
1647 explotar to exploit / explode
1646 iniciar to begin
1643 solicitar to request, apply
1642 considerar to consider
1640 acariciar to caress, stroke
1638 aplazar to postpone
1633 sostener to support
1633 contagiar to transmit
1631 acoger to welcome/takein/receive
1628 intuir to sense
1627 acentuar to stress/accent
1626 alimentar to feed
1622 adorar to adore, worship
1622 tostar to toast
1620 absolver to absolve
1617 agotar to exhaust / run out
1617 malinformar to misinform
1616 acostumbrar to get used to
1614 aguantar to put up with something, stand
1612 prevaler to prevail
1612 contactar to contact
1611 adivinar to guess
1611 atribuir to attribute
1608 animar to cheer somebody up
1608 contaminar to contaminate
1603 inscribir to inscribe
1603 mascar to chew
1603 mentar to mention
1603 colaborar to collaborate
1601 divorciar to divorce
1600 agitar to shake
1600 retirar to retire / withdraw
1599 resfriar to catch a cold
1595 prever to foresee
1591 asir to seize/grasp
1591 apellidar to Verb say the surname
1589 broncear to get a suntan
1588 derretir to melt
1580 repartir to distribute
1577 disponer to haveavailable
1577 dimitir to resign
1575 abrasar to burn
1575 regatear to haggle
1574 citar to arrange to meet
1573 averiar to break down
1572 autorizar to authorize
1572 derramar to spill
1571 abrochar to do up
1570 alentar to encourage
1570 refrescar to refresh/chill
1570 pronunciar to pronounce
1570 consistir to consist of
1569 contradecir to contradict
1569 alejar to move away
1569 corresponder to correspond
1568 espiar to spyon
1568 consultar to consult
1568 estresar to stress
1567 revelar to reveal
1565 reflexionar to reflect
1565 forzar to force
1564 alzar to lift, raise, hoist
1564 respirar to breathe
1564 deslizar to slip
1564 batir to beat, whip, whisk, churn
1563 comparar to compare
1562 posponer to postpone
1561 aguar to water down
1557 cultivar to cultivate
1556 aterrorizar to terrorize
1556 absorber to absorb
1555 bullir to boil
1555 combatir to fight, combat
1554 anochecer to get dark
1554 ajustar to adjust
1553 curar to cure
1553 estirar to stretch
1551 abreviar to abbreviate
1551 absorver to absorb
1551 alumbrar to light
1550 representar to represent
1549 acusar to accuse
1548 certificar to confirm
1547 arruinar to ruin
1546 ampliar to extend
1545 almacenar to store
1545 disculpar to forgive / apologize
1543 torear to fight a bull
1542 conservar to conserve, preserve
1541 descender to go down
1541 ingresar to pay in
1541 adornar to adorn, decorate
1541 desafiar to challenge
1541 concebir to conceive
1540 comercializar to commercialize
1539 apostar to bet
1539 contratar to contract for
1537 aislar to isolate
1537 chupar to suck
1537 enfadar to get angry
1537 adoptar to adopt
1537 registrar to register
1537 sobrar to be too much
1536 esforzar to strain
1534 agriar to turn sour
1533 soltar to letgoof
1533 pisar to step on
1532 acelerar to accelerate
1531 agravar to make worse
1531 sofocar to smother, put out
1530 exponer to expose
1530 recuperar to recover
1529 intervenir to takepart/get involved
1529 acompañar to go with / accompany
1528 explorar to explore
1525 atropellar to run over
1525 cascar to crack
1525 trepar to climb
1524 aclarar to clarify
1524 arrestar to arrest
1524 asesinar to murder
1520 anular to cancel
1519 rehacer to doagain/rebuild
1519 arriesgar to risk
1519 bromear to joke
1519 evaluar to assess
1517 atrapar to trap
1516 adscribir to assign
1516 arrendar to rent out
1516 rodear to surround
1516 suspender to fail
1516 insultar to insult
1515 suplicar to plead
1515 repasar to revise
1513 pudrir to rot
1513 rehuir to avoid
1513 clasificar to clasify
1512 tronar to thunder
1512 apuntar to note down
1512 coludir to collude
1511 aprehender to apprehend
1511 agrupar to group, form groups
1510 lloviznar to
1510 asentir to agree, consent
1509 descomponer to decompose
1509 brillar to shine
1508 adelantar to move forward, overtake
1508 pulir to polish
1508 situar to place
1507 soplar to blow
1507 involucrar to involve
1506 experimentar to experiment /experience
1505 provocar to incite
1504 instalar to install
1504 revivir to revive / relive
1503 civilizar to civilize
1503 fraguar to forge
1503 recubrir to cover
1503 transformar to transform
1502 desnudar to undress
1501 arder to burn
1501 ensayar to practise
1501 frenar to brake
1500 circular to run
1500 estrechar to narrow
1500 aclamar to acclaim, applaud
1499 changar to break down
1499 mimar to spoil, pamper
1499 saltear to saute, fry lightly
1498 localizar to locate
1495 colar to strain / sneak in
1495 escupir to spit
1495 coincidir to coincide
1494 roncar to snore
1493 anteponer to to put before
1493 remover to stir
1493 brindar to drink a toast to
1492 protestar to complain
1492 apurar to grieve, worry, fret
1492 entrevistar to interview
1491 acceder to access, agree
1490 esparcir to scatter
1490 burlar to make fun of
1490 apartar to separate, divide, part
1490 conquistar to conquer
1489 reproducir to reproduce
1489 transmitir to transmit / broadcast
1489 afirmar to affirm
1489 progresar to progress
1489 ahorcar to hang
1489 derrocar to overthrow, topple
1488 rellenar to fill
1488 aliviar to lighten, unburden, alleviate, relieve
1487 aplastar to crush, flatten
1486 presuponer to assume
1486 expulsar to expel
1486 agachar to lower
1486 asombrar to be amazed
1486 empatar to draw, equalize
1485 coquetear to flirt
1484 invadir to invade
1484 derrotar to beat
1482 envejecer to get old
1482 archivar to file
1482 arrugar to wrinkle
1482 proceder to proceed
1481 fracasar to fail
1481 arrojar to fling, throw, hurl
1481 chantajear to blackmail
1481 programar to plan
1480 amordazar to gag/muzzle
1480 alabar to praise
1479 encubrir to cover
1479 convocar to convoke
1478 conceder to concede, grant, bestow
1477 triunfar to succeed / win
1476 extraviar to to get lost / to go missing
1475 suprimir to leave something out
1475 trasladar to move
1475 contabilizar to enter in the accounts
1474 chillar to shout
1474 soportar to stand
1474 tranquilizar to calm somebody down
1474 comportar to behave
1474 volcar to spill, knock over
1473 antedecir to to say before
1473 devenir to become/turn into
1473 ensuciar to get dirty
1472 cotizar to quote/price
1472 sobrevolar to overfly, fly over
1472 podar to prune
1471 clarificar to clarify
1471 digerir to digest/assimilate
1471 aunar to unite, join forces
1470 apaciguar to calm down
1470 fotografiar to take a photograph of
1469 serrar to saw
1469 auditar to audit
1468 transbordar to change trains
1467 plantar to plant
1467 solucionar to solve
1467 fruncir to frown
1466 serpentear to meander, snake, wind
1466 alternar to alternate, socialize
1466 alarmar to alarm
1466 derivar to derive
1466 ansiar to long for, yearn for
1465 disfrazar to dress up
1465 persistir to persist
1465 resbalar to slip
1464 excitar to excite
1463 vomitar to vomit
1462 concordar to agree/reconcile
1460 exclamar to exclaim
1460 agujerear to pierce, perforate, puncture, bore
1460 cojear to limp
1459 insinuar to insinuate
1459 suscribir to subscribe
1459 culturizar to educate
1458 adaptar to adapt
1455 propolar to divulge
1454 anotar to take down, make a note of
1454 acumular to accumulate
1453 desvestir to undress
1453 enchufar to plug
1453 regengtar to run a business
1452 diluir to dilute
1452 retorcer to twist
1452 clavar to hammer, nail
1452 cegar to blind, dazzle
1450 disparar to shoot
1450 exportar to export
1450 persuadir to persuade
1450 detestar to detest
1449 confluir to converge/meet
1447 aguardar to expect, wait for
1446 complicar to complicate
1446 renovar to renovate
1446 confirmar to confirm
1445 arrastrar to drag
1445 matricular to enrol
1444 expedir to send/dispatch/issue
1444 emocionar to be moved by
1443 expresar to express
1443 presidir to preside
1442 aflojar to loosen
1442 apilar to pile up
1441 sumar to add
1441 percibir to perceive
1441 asemejar to be alike
1440 agrandar to enlarge
1440 desviar to divert
1440 resistir to withstand
1440 tramitar to process
1439 reponer to replace
1439 disgustar to get upset
1439 estropear to spoil, break
1439 fortalecer to strengthen
1439 accionar to operate, activate
1438 estrenar to do for the first time
1436 desordenar to make untidy, mess up
1436 vigilar to keep an eye on something or somebody
1436 formalizar to formalize
1435 disputar to dispute
1435 modificar to modify
1434 atestiguar to testify to
1434 disolver to dissolve/breakup
1434 perpetuar to perpetuate
1434 desobedecer to disobey
1434 aparentar to pretend
1433 empaquetar to package
1433 administrar to administer
1433 despreciar to despise
1432 rozar to rub/brush/graze
1432 excusar to excuse
1432 arropar to cover
1430 cooperar to cooperate
1429 extraer to extract
1428 etiquetar to label
1427 centrifugar to spin, spin-dry, centrifuge
1426 contemplar to contemplate
1426 pinchar to pick
1424 amarrar to tie, moor
1424 transcurrir to pass time
1424 disuadir to dissuade
1424 compeler to compel
1424 cavar to dig
1424 aceitar to oil
1423 extenuar to exhaust/drain
1423 aficionar to be keen on
1423 esculpir to sculpt
1423 resumir to summarize
1421 amueblar to furnish
1421 asociar to associate
1421 tamizar to sieve, sift
1420 achicharrar to burn /frazzle
1420 alargar to extend
1420 abundar to abound
1419 multiplicar to multiply
1419 concentrar to concentrate
1418 trabar to hold shut, hobble
1417 exhibir to exhibit
1417 acrisolar to refine, purify
1416 prescribir to prescribe
1415 amontonar to pile something up, amass
1414 circunscribir to circumscribe
1414 cualificar to qualify
1414 dictar to dictate
1414 diferenciar to differenciate
1413 susurrar to whisper
1413 castrar to castrate
1412 relacionar to relate
1411 censar to take a census of
1410 agobiar to overwhelm /get too much for
1410 sesgar to slant, bias
1408 reventar to burst
1408 destrozar to destroy
1408 asear to clean, tidy up
1407 pervertir to corrupt
1407 acuchillar to knife, cut, cut open, slash
1407 curiosear to glance at
1406 trastear to rummage through
1406 propagar to propogate
1405 emprender to undertake
1404 infectar to infect
1403 pronosticar to forecast
1402 encoger to shrink
1402 asimilar to assimilate
1400 tumbar to lie down
1400 boxear to box
1399 apestar to corrupt, sicken, nauseate, plague
1399 desplazar to move around , displace
1398 transcribir to transcribe
1398 atrasar to slow down
1396 alborotar to mess
1396 retrasar to delay
1396 retribuir to pay back
1396 reelegir to reelect
1395 descentralizar to decentralise
1395 sobornar to bribe
1394 descontar to deduct
1394 designar to designate
1393 sobreexponer to overexpose
1393 alterar to alter
1393 desconectar to disconnect / switch off
1393 exceder to exceed
1392 desvariar to be delirious/talk nonsense
1392 alertar to alert
1392 sujetar to hold
1391 punzar to prick/stab
1391 asesorar to advise
1391 estremecer to shudder
1390 presumir to presume
1389 descuidar to neglect
1388 profetizar to prophesy
1387 enunciar to enunciate, state, express
1386 destituir to dismiss
1385 desaprobar to disapprove of/reject
1385 sobreponer to superimpose
1383 descalzar to take your shoes off
1383 murmurar to mutter, gossip
1383 trucar to fix, rig, tamper with
1382 compareceer to appear
1382 derribar to demolish
1381 originar to originate
1381 contrastar to contrast
1380 restringir to restrict
1379 loar to praise, laud
1378 predisponer to predispose
1378 proscribir to proscribe
1376 argumentar to reason, dispute
1376 destapar to uncover
1375 excavar to dig
1373 retroceder to go back
1372 presionar to pressurize, press
1371 turbar to disturb, worry, alarm
1369 ambicionar to aspire to
1368 transportar to carry
1368 revolucionar to revolutionize
1366 trascribir to trascribe
1366 supervisar to supervise
1366 repintar to repaint
1366 lloriquear to whimper, whine
1365 exfoliar to exfoliate
1365 acedar to turn sour
1364 engrosar to swell
1364 desenfadar to soothe, appease, calm down
1364 fomentar to promote, encourage, boost
1363 rutilar to shine, twinkle, gleam
1362 vislumbrar to make out, discern
1361 rotular to label
1361 plantear to raise
1361 permutar to exchange
1360 indignar to make angry, outrage
1360 recusar to challenge, reject
1359 intensificar to intensify
1359 excretar to excrete
1358 conllevar to convey
1356 interponer to interpose
1356 desistir to desist
1355 aturrullar to get in a state
1353 desandar to go back over/retrace the trail
1353 resguardar to safeguard
1352 conceptuar to consider/judge
1352 restablecer to reestablish
1352 superponer to superimpose
1352 amparar to protect, shelter
1349 enmendar to improve, amend, rectify
1348 escurrir to wring
1348 exhalar to exhale
1347 exagerar to exaggerate
1347 plumear to hatch
1345 enganchar to hitch / become addicted
1345 enturbiar to go cloudy (liquids)
1342 desagradar to displease
1341 reformar to reform
1340 descifrar to decipher
1340 desempolvar to dust off, revive, resurrect
1339 reforzar to reinforce
1339 repercutir to have an impact on
1338 preservar to preservar
1337 exhumar to exhume
1336 eructar to belch, burp
1334 regenerar to regenerate
1333 preceder to precede
1333 turbinar to harness
1333 untar to spread
1331 enrollar to roll / get invloved
1331 consolidar to consolidate
1329 ensanchar to widen
1329 tripular to crew / man
1327 rebozar to coat in batter
1325 colorear to colour, dye, stain
1322 profanar to desecrate, defile
1319 entubar to channel, pipe
1314 trasvasar to decant
1313 desenroscar to unscrew
1313 serruchar to saw
1312 resoplar to puff, snort
1307 derrochar to waste, squander
1304 exprimir to squeeze
1303 derrumbar to demolish, knock down
1302 sobresaltar to startle, make jump
1293 desperdigar to scatter
1292 sobrescribir to overwrite
1292 tunelar to tunnel
1290 desenganchar to uncouple, get off drugs
1290 equilibrar to balance
1283 lamer to lick
1275 expectorar to expectorate
1264 exonerar to exonerate
1238 triturar to grind, crush
1232 dañar to damage / hurt
1215 chorrear to drip
1187 cuajar to curdle
1185 embarrar to cover in mud /mess up
1174 espesar to thicken
1122 teñir to dye
1030 reñir to tell sb off
1003 aliñar to season, dress
924 mosquear to annoy
923 culpar to blame
858 señalar to mark
834 engañar to lie / deceive
812 añorar to miss
796 diseñar to design
787 escaldar to blanch, scald
753 apuñalar to stab
705 desempeñar to perform
697 regañar to scold, quarrel
694 entrañar to involve, entail
648 reseñar to review, write summary of
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