a bowl of cherries :아름다운, 환상적인
a flash in the pan :일시적인 신기로움
a hard time swallowing something :믿기 어려운
a real peach :정말로 멋진 여자
a rude awakening :갑자기 기분나쁜 일을 깨닫는 것
about that, about it :지지해
absent-minded :방심한 상태의, 멍하니 있는
Achilles' heel :치명적인 약점
airhead :머리가 나쁜 여자, 무책임한 사람
all ears :매우 잘 듣는
all set :준비된
all the rage :일시적인 대유행
all thumbs :재주가 없는
antifreeze :술
artsy-fartsy :뽐내는 것처럼 보이는
as cool as a cucumber :매우 침착한
as deaf as a post :귀가 먼
as different as chalk from cheese :매우 다른
as dull as ditchwater :굉장히 지겨운
as easy as pie :아주 쉬운
as fit as a fiddle :매우 건강한
as gentle as a lamb :점잖은
as good a time as any :최고로 좋은 시기
as good as gold :어린아이가 매우 말을 잘 듣는
as keen as mustard :매우 열심인
as light as a feather :매우 가벼운
as miserable as sin :매우 불행한
as plain as the nose on on-e's face :매우 명백한
as quiet as a mouse :아주 조용한, 온순한
as right as rain :완전히 좋은, 온전한
as sick as a dog :너무 아픈
as silent as a grave :굉장히 조용한
as strong as a horse :매우 강한
as thin as a rake :매우 마른
as tough as old boots :매우 질긴
as white as a sheet :매우 창백한
at a loose end :일정한 직업 없이 빈들빈들하며
at a standstill :정돈 상태에 있는
at all costs :어떻게 해서든지, 어떤 비용을 들여서라도
at all hours :항상, 내내
at death's door :빈사상태의
at loggerheads with :-와 사이가 벌어져
at short notice :당장에, 급히
at the crack of dawn :새벽에
at the drop of a hat :주저없이
at the eleventh hour :막판에
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