□ to indicate motion(움직임을 나타낸다)
Llegamos a St. Louis. (We arrived at St. Louis.)
Se acercó a la casa. (He got near the house.)
Cayó al piso. (It fell to the floor.)
Esa es la puerta al baño. (That is the door to the bathroom.)
Me siento a la mesa. (I am sitting at the table.)
□ to connect a verb with a following infinitive(다음 부정사와 동사를 연결한다)
Empezó a salir. (She began to leave.)
Entró a hablar contigo. (He came in to talk to you.)
Él se negó a nadar. (He refused to swim.)
He venido a estudiar. (I have come to study.)
Comenzó a bailar. (She began to dance.)
Voy a cantar. (I am going to sing.)
□ to indicate manner or method(수단이나 방법을 나타낸다)
Vamos a pie. (We are going on foot.)
Hay que fijarlo a mano. (It is necessary to fix it by hand.)
Estoy a dieta. (I am on a diet.)
Escribo a lápiz. (I am writing with a pencil.)
Andan a ciegas. (They are walking blindly.)
Llegamos a tiempo. ( We are arriving on time.)
Lee el libro a escondidas. (He is studying the book covertly.)
□ to introduce a direct object that is a person or treated like a person(사람 혹은 사람과 같이 취급되는 직접 대상을 소개한다)
Conozco a Pedro. (I know Peter.) Encontré a Fido. (I found Fido.)
Veré a María. (I will see Mary.)
□ to introduce an indirect object(간접 대상을 소개한다)
Le doy una camisa a Jorge. (I am giving a shirt to George.)
Le compro una camisa a Jorge. (I am buying a shirt for George.)
Le robo una camisa a Jorge. (I am taking a shirt from George.)
Le pongo la camisa a Jorge. (I am putting the shirt on George.)
□ in various expressions of time(시간에 관한 여러 가지 표현)
Salimos a las cuatro. (We are leaving at four.)
Estamos a lunes. (Today is Monday.)
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